Not a Religion — The Free Spirit


Audio Library

We Are the Free Communities – Link and Be

Under this motto, many short programs have been produced in which pearls of divine Wisdom are read from various books and brochures that contain much help for life—for the speakers as well as the listeners.
People from all cultures worldwide are linked with one another in their effort to implement in daily life the teachings from the Free Spirit.

The Free Communities under the Sign of the Lily

People of all cultures worldwide come together in Free Communities who strive for a free Original Christianity—without rituals, without prayer leaders, without teachers or priests or pastors, without religious structures. The Free Spirit—God in us—is the hallmark of Free Communities all over the world.
In the Free Communities, which meet for a free exchange, the motto is: The one helps the other. Thereby, Christ also helps, for as He said, He is always present where two or three are gathered in His name. Many teaching hours have been given from the divine Wisdom for the Free Communities worldwide. These are translated into many languages and reach people all over the world via radio and TV.

Thought for the Day

In this short program, Gabriele, the prophetess and emissary of the Eternal Kingdom, gives suggestions,
indications and loving advice on how we can make the best of our day. How can we find our way to peace with ourselves
and with our neighbor? How can we change our life to the positive? Let us allow the day to become a good friend.

Your Thoughts Are Your Day

These meditative texts give us a help on each day of the week to shape our day in a positive way and in accord with all Being – and with ourselves.

Picture Meditations

as, for example, “Love Is the Fount of Health,” “Our True Being,” “Meditation to the Lord’s Prayer” or “Find and Affirm the Positive in Your Neighbor,” invite the viewer with wonderful nature scenes and meditative texts to take the time to reflect and look more deeply. With these contemplations, it is possible to view one’s existence from a higher perspective and to reflect on what is essential. (35-40 min.) “Your Thoughts Are Your Day” (15 min.) goes with us throughout the week for a good way to start the day.

The Call of the Christ of God

During this time of great changes, Christ calls into the world: “I Come Soon!” The mighty Spirit of infinity, God, spoke to the people: “I make all things new, a new heaven and a new Earth.” What does this mean for our life? Through His calls, Christ again shows us the way …


2000 years ago, Jesus of Nazareth announced the following: “I still have many things to tell you … when the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth …” The time is now: The word of truth is given to us in all its fullness through Gabriele, who serves God, the Eternal, as His prophetess. In countless schooling hours, we hear the truth about the life and the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, and how we can draw closer to the Christ of God – and thus, the Kingdom of God, our eternal homeland in us, is shown to us. Or: and we are shown how we can draw/grow closer to ….

The Speaking All-Unity.

A Cosmic Work of Teaching and Learning from the School of the Divine Wisdom
In all of nature, the cosmic All-communication is alive. We can see this, for example, in a flock of birds that fly in huge formations without flying into each other. How is this possible? Gabriele explains how the nature kingdoms, the minerals, plants and animals, as well as the pure divine beings, are all connected with each other and with the Creator God, the All-One. She gives us insight through a gap in the door into the seven-dimensional Kingdom of God, and show the way how we human beings can find our way back into the All-unity of life. With concrete exercises.

We used this in the Foreword to Speaking All-Unity

The glimpse through the spiritual crack in the door is merely an attempt to explain the make-up of the Kingdom of God. (Check to see if that’s how it ended up)

The Great Cosmic Teachings of Jesus of Nazareth

The Great Cosmic Teachings of Jesus of Nazareth are the absolute law, the law of the true life, which He taught 2000 years ago to the inner circle of His apostles and disciples who could understand Him. Today, through the workings of the divine Wisdom, Gabriele, His great cosmic teachings are available to all people for the first time in the history of humankind. They were revealed by the Spirit of the Christ of God through Gabriele, for now the time has come in which He, Christ, reveals the law of life to all people, so that they may find Him.

The Inner Path to the Cosmic Consciousness

God’s love is very near to each one of us. It is the eternal power in our soul. We can activate this power on the Inner Path? and thus draw closer to our eternal homeland, from which we once left. The more we overcome our human ego, the greater is the power of love in us, and the more radiant, pure and selfless we become. Thus, we find the way into our inner being, to peace and love and to the unity with all Being.

For Children, Young People and Adults

In the program series entitled “Liobani – The School for New Jerusalem, for Another Time Under the Sign of the Christ of God, of the Love for God and Neighbor,” the topics are about finding our way to inner freedom, about developing our own consciousness and not allowing the consciousness of others to be grafted onto ourselves – not even via cell phones or the Internet. Everyone is asked: How and in which world do they want to live.

This unique school welcomes people of all cultures and of every age, from cradle to childhood and from adolescence through the prime of life, until the age of departure. Who will join us?

Central European Time

Radio Santec – Sophia TV broadcasts from Germany into all the world and round the clock. This is the current hour in Berlin (C.E.T. – Central European Time).

Useful links